Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult
Type: Fiction
My rating: 5 stars (out of 5)
Why I chose it: I discovered Jodi Picoult just over a year ago while lying poolside vacationing in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. While pondering which refreshing drink to order next, I heard sniffling next to me and turned to find my ravishing wife crying while reading My Sister's Keeper. I asked her what the book was about and knew immediately that I had to give this author a try. That was an incredible 5-star book. My next Picoult novel was Nineteen Minutes, which became my then favorite until I read The Pact, which then moved to the top spot. When I began reading Change of Heart, I told myself that this wouldn't be my new best Picoult novel since it didn't make sense that each one I read became my new favorite.
What I liked about it: This may very well be my new favorite! Jodi Picoult has an unbelievable ability and gift to tell a thought-provoking story that stays with you, not only during the time you spend reading it, but well afterward as well. This novel explores the death penalty and the Gnostic Gospels, including the Gospel of Thomas. It was quite interesting to learn that the inclusion of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Christian bible were an editorial decision made over 2000 years ago while the other known gospels at the time were declared heresy. It is believed that, had this decision to standardize the Christian faith not been made, Christianity could have died out from all the infighting. One of my favorite passages from the book was "Sometimes we see what we want to, instead of what's in front of us. And sometimes, we don't see clearly at all." Regardless of which Jodi Picoult novel is currently my favorite, I am hereby crowning Ms. Picoult as my favorite author!
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