Thanks, Mom!

Around the end of February (or beginning of March) my Mom asked me what number book I was on. She was also reading and tracking her books in 2009 and the last time we discussed she was beating me by a book, or two. I believe she was on number 9 and I was on number 7. When I told her I was on number 12 she asked, "Are you reading little books?" In my mind this translated as "I'm not buying what you're selling. Prove it." I think my Mom occasionally wonders how I got the way I got. I truly thank her for always challenging me! I went back to the 20 books I read through mid-April and the pages totaled more than 6,500, or about 325 pages per book, which I would characterize as an average-size book length. I hope my Mom doesn't think those are "little" books. Otherwise, I may need to step up my game!

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